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Widows & Orphans Program 

Welcome to the Widows & Orphans Program at Blessed Overcomers CBO. We are dedicated to providing assistance and support to widows and orphans who have experienced loss and hardship.

Our Mission:
Our mission is to offer a helping hand to widows and orphans by providing them with resources, emotional support, and community connections to help them rebuild their lives.


Program Offerings: 

Counseling Services: We offer counseling services to widows and orphans to help them cope with grief and navigate the challenges they may face.

Financial Assistance: We provide financial assistance to widows and orphans to help cover basic living expenses such as food, shelter, and clothing.

Educational Support: We offer educational support to orphans to ensure they have access to quality education and opportunities for personal growth and development.

Community Building Activities: We organize community building activities and events to foster connections and provide a support network for widows and orphans.

How to Get Involved:
If you're passionate about supporting widows and orphans and would like to get involved with our program, please contact us to learn more about volunteer opportunities or donation options.





Phone: +254 720 885593

P.O BOX: 40100


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